Categories for Policy

John DiLoreto to Discuss Manufacturing & Supply Chain Challenges at FDA Summit

ARLINGTON, VA – John DiLoreto, Executive Director of the Bulk Pharmaceuticals Task Forceand advisor to SOCMA’s PharmaChem Sector, will participate in a panel discussion about Manufacturing and Supply Challenges at a U.S. Food & Drug Administration event sponsored by Duke Margolis Center for Health Policy.

November 16, 2018

SOCMA Applauds Signing of Miscellaneous Tariff Bill into Law

ARLINGTON, VA - The Society of Chemical Manufacturers & Affiliates (SOCMA) applauds Congress and the Administration for reinstating the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB) Act of 2018 on Thursday, September 13. The House of Representatives agreed in a voice vote on September 4 to Senate amendments made to the act last month, sending the legislation to the President for signature.

September 14, 2018