This program is provided by the Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates, Inc. (SOCMA) for informational purposes only. Determination of whether and/or how to use all or any portion of this program or the information provided in connection with it is to be made in your sole and absolute discretion. Use of this program is voluntary.
SOCMA does not make any representations or warranties with respect to this program, its contents or information provided. SOCMA does not make any representations, warranties or promises regarding any company or its capabilities or performance. You should engage in your own due diligence investigation of any potential contractual counterparty. SOCMA’s program is not an endorsement of any member or third party.
SOCMA hereby disclaims all warranties of any nature, express, implied or otherwise, or arising from trade or custom, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, noninfringement, quality, title, fitness for a particular purpose, completeness or accuracy. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, SOCMA shall not be liable for any losses, expenses or damages of any nature, including, without limitation, special, incidental, punitive, direct, indirect or consequential damages or lost income or profits, resulting from or arising out of a company’s or individual’s use of this program, whether arising in tort, contract, statute, or otherwise, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.