Navigating the Evolving Political Landscape

2 min read | July 23, 2024 | Robert F. Helminiak, SOCMA Vice President of Legal and Government Relations

In today’s evolving political landscape, we face aggressive regulatory environments and significant legal and political shifts unlike anything I’ve encountered in my career. You have my word: SOCMA is vigilantly monitoring these changes, assessing their impact on our members. Our scope encompasses not only the presidential election but also Supreme Court decisions and the ongoing activities of federal agencies. 

While keeping an eye on the future, we continue to advocate for policies that promote economic growth, create jobs, and protect the interests of the specialty chemical industry. My team and I are also developing strategies to engage with policymakers and decision-makers, ensuring our members’ priorities are heard regardless of election outcomes. 

These past few weeks have brought some seismic changes, and I’ll be honest – it’s a lot to keep up with. But I’m preparing for all eventualities. My team and I have been working closely with SOCMA’s Advocacy Committee, and together, we’re crafting a comprehensive “roadmap” for the 119th Congress. This will provide a clear path forward, focusing on policy priorities, goals, and strategies to achieve them. 

Our top priorities remain twofold: advocating for the best possible business environment for specialty chemical manufacturers and ensuring our members are informed and prepared for policy changes. I believe this dual focus is crucial – it helps maintain regulatory compliance and capitalize on new business opportunities. 

Regardless of White House occupancy, we’re committed to our key policy objectives: improving the process of bringing new chemicals to market, enhancing the trade and tariff landscape, and developing policies to cut through regulatory red tape that inhibits industry growth. 

Now, I know the current shifts extend beyond the November elections. Those recent Supreme Court decisions? They’ve upended some long-standing legal precedents, and this is creating new avenues for advocacy and different circumstances for legislative development. I see both opportunities and challenges here, including the need to defend regulations that have benefited our industry.

Remember, SOCMA – and by extension, myself – we’re here to support, advocate, and lead, providing the steadfast guidance you need in this uncertain time.   



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