Legislative and Regulatory Overview
Vaccine Policy Resources
SOCMA hosted a roundtable on August 17 to address operational best practices and legal challenges around vaccine mandates, as the Delta Variant continues to change the trajectory of recovery from COVID-19.
The COVID-19 vaccine offers the hope of ending the pandemic, but there are tough questions and decisions around its implementation for employers. This checklist is designed to guide the decisions, policies and compliance around the COVID-19 vaccine.
Read Considerations & Best Practices
In December, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued guidance that employers can mandate COVID-19 vaccines, but many have grappled if they should from both an operational and cultural perspective.
A poll administered by SOCMA indicates that 100% of the organizations will not mandate employee vaccinations. Below is a sample vaccination policy that can be modified to include mandated or highly suggested language
For companies that decide to mandate vaccinations, exemption requests for medical and religious reasons should be expected.
Accommodation requests should be discussed with counsel, as they are workplace and company specific, below are two sample exemption request forms.
Return to Work Tools
In this post, SOCMA shares core considerations for developing return to work plans. The following information was compiled during a SOCMA roundtable discussion with DanChem, Strem Chemicals, Inc., and Sun Chemical Corporation. A template for a return to work plan is in development and will be available in the coming week.
In this webinar, representatives from DanChem, Strem Chemicals, Inc. and Sun Chemical Corporation discuss industry best practices for bringing employees back into the workplace.
In an effort to protect the health and welfare of employees, their families and income, VanDeMark Chemical implemented a questionnaire for employees to assess risk levels away from the work site. Each employee completes the form prior to each shift.
This template is provided to SOCMA by VanDeMark Chemical.
The decision matrix can be used to execute systems and mitigate risk in the event of a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 within a facility. The decision matrix was developed by Sun Chemical and updated by SOCMA to serve as a template.
The plan first defines 5 control areas and then examines triggers for office and manufacturing facilities.
DOW Chemical Company has shared 5 documents including a Return to Workplace Criteria, Checklist, Plan and Presentation.
Commercial and Business Resources
Increased manufacturing needs have led to an increase in the number of project requests and lead sheets are distributed to SOCMA’s expert manufacturers.
If you have a contract manufacturing project or need to identify new service providers, contact Alyse Keller to start your project lead development.
As a bridge to connect manufacturers and identify leads, SOCMA has accelerated its timeline to create a digital platform to facilitate your organization’s need to source high-demand materials.
Be sure to complete your profile online, or contact Alyse Keller for more information.
SOCMA continues to keep a pulse on industry trends in order to provide companies with essential data that is vital in successfully navigating the current economic and regulatory landscape.
The U.S. represents only 5 percent of the world’s population, but precipitates 35 percent of the world’s economy.
Coupled with population data and marketing trends, Ken Gronbach shares 5 key areas that point to a positive post-covid economy.
SOCMA has gathered information on high-demand products used to combat COVID-19 and partnered with EchoSystem to support further B2B connection.
Manufacturing & Operations
To encourage social distancing and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace, Nation Ford Chemical measured each room to ensure there was 6’ distance between employees to develop a new max occupancy number.
SOCMA published a pandemic plan framework for organizations to adopt into existing plans or develop a plan.
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