Latest Updates
SOCMA Members to Promote the Specialty Chemical Industry with Lawmakers, Regulators
ARLINGTON, VA – Members of the Society of Chemical Manufacturers & Affiliates(SOCMA) will visit Capitol Hill on June 5-6 for the Specialty Chemical Industry Fly-in, where they will share key insights about the industry and how government policies impact their ability to remain competitive and positively influence the U.S. economy.
May 1, 2018SOCMA Urges Passage of Miscellaneous Tariff Bill
On April 17, Senate Republican and Democratic leadership 'hotlined' an amended version of the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB) Act of 2018, which passed the U.S. House of Representatives (H.R. 4318) 402-0 on January 16.
April 30, 2018SOCMA’s EHS Regional Roundtables to Focus on Importance of Safety Culture
ARLINGTON, VA – The Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates (SOCMA) is pleased to announce it will host three EHS Regional Roundtables this spring, focusing on the importance of establishing a positive safety culture in specialty and fine chemical facilities.
April 10, 2018NPIRI Pigments Raw Materials Data Handbook Receives an Update – Pre-Order Your Discounted Copy Today!
The Color Pigments Manufacturers Association (a SOCMA affiliate) has partnered with the National Printing Ink Research Institute in the update of the Pigments Raw Materials Data Handbook Volume 4.
March 28, 2018Let’s keep Communication Open with all Stakeholders!
Getting the most out of your ChemStewards audit is a top priority, so we are working to ensure that open communication among all parties (auditors, coordinators, upper management and SOCMA staff) is well defined.
March 28, 2018REGISTER NOW for the 2018 Regional Roundtables
Registration is now open for the 2018 Compliance & Stewardship Regional Roundtables!
March 28, 2018Reminder to SOCMA member companies to comply with OSHA’s Recordkeeping Requirement
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is reminding employers of their obligation to post a copy of OSHA's Form 300A, which summarizes job-related injuries and illnesses logged during 2017.
March 28, 2018BAHP Launches FemCare Answers Website
ARLINGTON, VA – The Center for Baby and Adult Hygiene Products (BAHP) today announced the launch of its FemCare Answers website, which provides BAHP® members, consumers and the media science-based information about feminine hygiene products.
January 8, 2018Bio-Process Systems Alliance Elects Board Members for 2018-2019 Terms
Arlington, VA - The Bio-Process Systems Alliance (BPSA), the national trade association of the single-use bio-processing industry, is pleased to announce the election of Board of Directors members who will serve two-year terms in leadership roles through December 31, 2019.
January 8, 2018