January 30, 2024
Katie Klaas
Salvus Announces Licensing Agreement with Georgia Tech that Enables PFAS Detection
Salvus, LLC seeks partner companies to commercialize technology that enables more timely PFAS management and remediation decisions
VALDOSTA, GA — Salvus, LLC, a CJB Company, has entered into a licensing agreement with Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC) to gain access to PFAS sensing technology for use in the Salvus™ Detection Platform, the world’s first handheld interferometric detector. Utilizing GTRC’s sensing capabilities for PFAS, the term commonly used for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, enables Salvus to pursue development and commercialization efforts within industries where PFAS detection, remediation, and destruction are essential.

The handheld, easy-to-use Salvus Detection Platform is proven to identify chemical and biological substances with speed, selectivity, and specificity.
As the Environmental Protection Agency anticipates finalizing national drinking water standards for several types of PFAS in 2024, increased urgency is placed on developing effective, easy-to-use detection and monitoring tools. Current technology is challenged by speed to results, sensitivity to needed detection levels, and specificity to select compounds. Teams at Salvus and GTRC have already been testing the capabilities of the sensing technology in the Salvus Detection Platform to detect perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), one type of PFAS, in drinking water and have within their sights the goal of parts per trillion within minutes of sampling.
“This licensing agreement puts Salvus in a position to accelerate development and commercialization of PFAS detection on our rapid detection platform. We are currently seeking partner companies that serve those responsible for meeting water quality standards. The goal of the PFAS technology in our Salvus Detection Platform is to empower those entities to make more timely decisions when implementing management and remediation activities that reduce concentrations of PFAS substances,” said Clinton Beeland, CEO of Salvus.
Years of research and testing have shown that the Salvus Detection Platform sets a higher standard for speed, limit of detection, and adaptability compared to other available detection tools. This effective, groundbreaking technology is a first-of-its-kind in its:
- Flexibility to detect and monitor both chemicals and biologicals either discreetly or through monitoring applications.
- Ability to deliver results within hours, minutes, or seconds instead of days, weeks, or months.
- Adaptability to be deployed on multiple form factors (e.g., hand-held, monitoring stations, unmanned vehicles).
“To enable our technology to address the breadth of PFAS detection needs, we are seeking companies for collaboration in refining the PFAS detection process to meet their industry sector’s requirements and to commercially deploy our easy-to-use platform. Together we can develop the solution that delivers significant impact at the point of use to drive quicker, more informed decisions,” Beeland said.
About Salvus
At Salvus, We Detect Your Concerns™. Formed in 2018, Salvus, LLC, is committed to delivering precise detection technology at the point of use globally. Originally developed by researchers at the Georgia Tech Research Institute, Salvus™ Detection Platform is the world’s first handheld interferometric detector. This groundbreaking technology can rapidly identify chemical and biological substances in liquid, air, or surface environments with precision and accuracy for more timely decisions. The Latin word for safe, Salvus aims to support and enhance the lives of people and animals, as well as the environment, through its innovative detection technology. Salvus is part of CJB® Companies, founded in 1997, which also includes CJB Industries Inc. and CJB Applied Technologies LLC. CJB Companies is focused on creating solutions for the life sciences industry from development to delivery to detection while improving today and tomorrow. For more information, please visit our websites cjbindustries.com, cjbappliedtech.com, and salvusdetect.com.
© 2024 Salvus, LLC. All rights reserved. Salvus™ and We Detect Your Concerns™ are trademarks of Salvus, LLC. CJB® is a registered trademark of CJB Companies.
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