On May 26, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released for public comment a proposed rule amending the procedural regulations for new chemical reviews under Section 5 of TSCA.
SOCMA has developed a members-only resource for proposed procedural regulations pertaining to EPA review of premanufacture notices (PMNs), significant new use notices (SNUNs), microbial commercial activity notices (MCANs), low volume exemptions (LVEs), and low release and exposure exemptions (LoREXs) exemptions.
The intent of the proposed rule is to increase the quality of the information initially submitted in new
chemicals notices, improve EPA’s processes for completion of the risk assessment and the new chemicals review, and make PFAS and PCBs ineligible for PMN exemptions.
The contents of the final rule are subject to change and do not take effect until a final rule is published in the Federal Register.
For questions about this document or the proposed ruling, please contact SOCMA’s Government Relations team at government.relations@socma.org.
Categorized in: Advocacy, government relations, Policy, SOCMA, Toxic Substances Control Act