SOCMA Statement on President Trump’s Address to a Joint Session of Congress

March 05, 2025

Washington, D.C. – The Society of Chemical Manufacturers & Affiliates (SOCMA) welcomes President Trump’s vision for strengthening American manufacturing, reducing regulatory burdens, and ensuring a competitive business environment, as outlined in his Address to a Joint Session of Congress.

SOCMA members drive US technological and scientific advancement, and we support the administration’s commitment to streamlining regulations and eliminating unnecessary red tape to ensure the US remains at the forefront of innovation. A predictable and efficient regulatory framework is essential for our industry to invest, expand, and maintain global leadership in specialty chemistries.

We also recognize the importance of expanding domestic energy production and securing access to critical minerals—key factors in sustaining specialty chemical manufacturing. Reliable and affordable energy, along with a stable supply of raw materials, ensures that our members can continue delivering high-value chemistries that power industries such as national defense, pharmaceuticals, and electronics and technology just to name a few. While the Administration works to implement new policies to develop a US based supply of raw materials, SOCMA urges the White House to provide access to the necessary raw materials to maintain production, inspire export growth and preserve global competitiveness.

SOCMA looks forward to working with the White House to implement policies that foster innovation, expand opportunities, and enhance the competitiveness of the specialty chemical industry.

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